Wednesday, January 14, 2009


We had our first great snow of the season! I can't believe living in the midwest we haven't had one before now, but today was the real one. Fluffy and beautiful. Thanks for looking.

Monday, January 12, 2009

And the winners are...

Susan and H*pea*ing. Please email or pmail me your addresses so I may send you the gray cards. For those who didn't win this time, stay tuned! The names will stay in the basket and more great prizes are to come. If you haven't joined the follow list yet, join in - you could be the next winner!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


The windmills in our area. I was going through some old photos and found these. I know the photo below doesn't exactly work for opposites but I guess in an abstract way it does and I really like this photo. Thanks for viewing.

{cold:::all one color}

Yum...peppermint ice cream with a peppermint stick.

For those who want to know what the above photo is, it is a glow stick in the dark twirled around with my camera set for slow shutter. Thanks for looking :-)

Friday, January 2, 2009

{WORDS}:::January and February

All one color ::: Bottom ::: Comfort ::: Cold ::: Delectable ::: Doorway ::: Every which way ::: Frivolous ::: Geometric ::: Hole ::: Indulgence ::: Just for fun ::: Kiss ::: Long and winding road ::: Melting ::: Neglected ::: Opposites ::: Puffy ::: Repetition ::: Rusted ::: Sweet ::: Terrifying ::: Underneath ::: Valentine ::: Weathered ::: Worth a second look

{The Challenge}:::Inspired by Words

Here is the challenge as detailed by Pat (twopea: patspix):
"There are 26 words/phrases, and the idea is to take a photo of what that word makes you think of, or seeing a perfect fit for one of the words, grabbing the opportunity. You don't have to list them in any particular order. Usually the word is included on the photo in PP so everyone knows what your vision of the word is.

It's not about perfect techniques. It's not about finishing the list. It's about having fun, seeing things differently, and thinking outside the box. It's about stretching our creative visualization and interpretation."